CMr Chairman, Hon. Regional Minister(s), Nanima, the custodians of our rich heritage, Executive Secretary AGI and his Entourage from Accra, Exhibitors, Ladies and gentlemen.
I welcome you to the Association of Ghana Industries (AGI) “Northern Business and Investment Fair 2022”. I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank my colleague regional executives for their unrelenting efforts in bringing us this far. Their wide-ranging expertise and support to the region have been invaluable in steering our noble Association.
At vero eos et accusam
Mr. Chairman, Economic development issues in Northern Ghana have not been given the needed attention and prominence. We live in times when serious issues bothering on economic development are subjected to political swings and distortions. Where neither due compliment or criticisms are seen in plain light but through colored lenses.
The absence of a vibrant and revered platform in Northern Ghana for deliberating on serious micro, small and medium enterprise issues is even more worrying.
It is over fervent hope that this “business and investment fair”, if maintained would provide us the needed vehicle for the said purpose.

It brings together key stakeholders to deliberate on economic development issues on our growing enterprises in a non-partisan and straight forward manner.
The program is tailor-made to:-
1. Assess impacts of plans, programmes and policies initiated by both public and private actors in relation to economic transformation of Northern Ghana.
2. Recommend alternative ideas for comprehensive and result oriented policies aimed at addressing issues identified.
3. Create an opportunity for the various businesses in Northern Ghana to interact, network and inter-trade to reach business deals and partnerships that would help in expanding their growth beyond our borders.
4. Inspire young people to embrace innovation, imagination and creativity to overcome the challenges facing young entrepreneurs such as lack of technical knowhow and unfriendly business environment.
As you are aware, Mr. Chairman, the AGI, as the umbrella body for indigenous Ghanaian industries and the leading voice of the private sector has been at the forefront of championing the use of made in Ghana products for years.
Despite the significant challenges we experienced in the last Two (2) Years, I am happy to report that the AGI Northern Sector has stayed firmly on course with the drive to make the AGI Northern Sector vibrant, attractive and supporting to the general membership.
AGI has facilitated about GHC 1,000,000.00 financial support to members through the Ghana Enterprises Agency (GEA) under the Covid… Alleviation Programme – Business Support Scheme (CAPBUS).
Discussions and preparations are far advanced with the GIZ and World Food Programme (UN WFP) to establish a Common-User Agro Processing Facilities in Wa and Tamale.
This is to provide small-scale food processor and food entrepreneurs with the opportunity to use modern commercial equipment that meet national and international health requirements for agro processing facilities.

The idea of Common User Processing facilities stems from the fact that Small-scale food processors cannot afford the required capital to procure their own machinery and equipment.
A shared-use facility, therefore, can help these small-scale entrepreneurs to do their processing without having to worry about how to secure the upfront capital for their own machinery and equipment and allow them to focus on other important aspects of their business success.
Following the above, the associated benefits would include job creation, entrepreneurship development, improved competitiveness, commercialization of new technologies and the strengthening and diversification of the agro-processing sector.
Additionally, under a Partnership with Pyxera Global, We are currently exploring opportunities in Ghana’s weaving industry to promote and preserve craftsmanship in the sector, under the African Artisan Community Engagement and Export Initiative.
Our resource potentials and opportunities are numerous and available. The challenge to our Northern businesses is how to position our enterprises either through building our capacities or forming the right partnerships or combination of both.”
Osman S. Kulendi
The Community of weavers across the African continent are under threat. While woven fabric holds its cultural identity and connection, local demand for these cloths is in significant decline. On the contrary, there is a rising global demand for artisan products.
To address this challenge, the African Artisan Community Engagement and Export Initiative has partnered PYXERA Global, Association of Ghana Industries and Jaipur Rugs of India for the adaptation of the framework of a scaled handicraft enterprise in India in Africa.
Mr Chairman, Our resource potentials and opportunities are numerous and available. The Challenge to our Northern businesses is how to position our enterprises either through building our capacities or forming the right partnerships or combination of both.
I have no doubt we can do better but not without changing the current statoscope of weak inter-business collaboration and Partnership building among ourselves.
Whiles the Covid slowed down our businesses, it granted me the opportunity to interact with some of you in your places of businesses. I am glad to notice a renewed sense of vigor and hope in some of our Enterprises.
AGI members are at the heart of our success and potential, and I would like to gratefully acknowledge your commitment and contribution.
Before I conclude, I would also like to thank the
- AGI National Leadership
- Ghana Enterprises Agency (GEA),
- Ghana Investment Promotion Centre (GIPC), World Food Programme (WFP)
- United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO
- Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority,
- Global Cargo and Commodities Limited,
- M and G Pharmaceuticals,
- WEE-NORTH Project ,
- Savannah Investment Programme (SIP)
Other industrial partners for their trust and support.
Curabitur varius eros et lacus rutrum consequat. Mauris sollicitudin enim condimentum, luctus justo non, molestie nisl.
I look forward to your continued support, even beyond this Fair. LONG LIVE THIS NOBLE PLATFORM, LONG LIVE OUR BUSINESSES,
Thank you and may God bless us all.
In conclusion
Aenean et egestas nulla. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Fusce gravida, ligula non molestie tristique, justo elit blandit risus, blandit maximus augue magna accumsan ante. Duis id mi tristique, pulvinar neque at, lobortis tortor.